Saturday 26 November 2011


Crutches are fun for about ten minutes but once you've pretended that they are machine guns and swung on them a bit, you kind of just want to walk normally again. I drew this comic ages ago but it seemed appropriate to post it now seeing as I'm all fractured and broken.

As an added bonus here's a fun game you can play with crutches if you have a wheel chair.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Conan the Barber

While off with my fractured leg I happened to watch the new Conan film starring that guy off of Game of Thrones.  The film was an enjoyable enough romp but I couldn't help but think that it was lacking something. A little Mufasa /Darth Vader style giant snake cult leader perhaps? Maybe even a Body building Austrian Govenator. No?

That's when I got to thinking, why have they never made a Conan film where he was a barber? I'm pretty there was a book about it. Seems like they're missing a trick.