Monday, 11 August 2014


Pocahontas and Guardians of the Galaxy have a lot in common. Both have animated raccoons (Meeko and Rocket) and talking trees (Groot and Grandmother Willow). Ok maybe they don't have a lot in common but it was worth a try. I saw Guardians the other day (thats right I'm on first name terms with a movie, deal with it) and it was as good as expected with an excellent retro 70's soundtrack. Chris Pratt was great as Starlord, big Dave's wooden acting actually suited Drax's character and got a fair few (intentional) laughs. Groot was played by Vin Diesel for some reason, I'm guessing Vinny was just happy to be involved, lets face it I'd do mo cap for Groot for free if needed (although Howard the duck would be more my size) and saying I am Groot 40 times into the microphone isn't all that taxing......