Tuesday, 11 June 2013

God Hates Fags

In the interest of free speech I'm unable to look at the Westboro Baptist Church's website 'godhatesfags.com' on Translink's wifi service so this post is made up of information off wikipedia but I'm sure there's plenty more insane hilarious stuff on their website. They are widely described as a hate group and have been quoted as saying things like

'Jews are the real nazis' and ‘All the nations of the world would soon march on Israel', and that they would be 'led by President Barack Obama’ (who is the Antichrist and in league with Satan and the pope in an unholy trinity btw).

They seem to be absolutely OBSESSED with gays and sodomy and the like, OBSESSED. All I'm saying is that anyone I know who's that preoccupied with homosexual activities is gay themselves. People who like to cook generally aren't anorexic, yeah?

They picket all kinds of things to get media attention, mostly funerals (what god would have wanted).
They picketed Michael Jackson's funeral and recorded an adaptation of 'We are the world' called 'God hates the world'. They must have some fun times eh? Making colourful signs with pictures of men bumming on them, thinking up witty slogans and recording pop songs with offencive lyrics. (I hope the Jackson estate got a cut of any money that made). They seem like an all round bunch of swell guys and gals.

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